Friday, April 26, 2019

The Art of War by Sun Tzu Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Art of War by Sun Tzu - Assignment ExampleHence to action and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence supreme excellence consists in breakout the enemys resistance without fighting (p. 8)In fact, The Art of War has survived the test of times and it is frightful that the book is still contemporary and considered one of the finest accounts of strategic management. Although, it was meant to strengthen the military forces of ancient China, the doctrines and the policies of war hand over in this book are compatible with the lives of people in the modern day world. Thus, business entities and their owners see through various chapters of the book for implementing these principles for the success of business. War symbolizes competition and rivalry, which is synonymous with the antagonism that exists in the bodied world. The incessant struggle of business owners often lead to war like situations that are to be managed by applying different strategies with precision, ai ded by the conceptions of Sun Tzu. According to Sun Tzu, there are various slipway of conquering battles even without destroying the spirit of the situation or causing any harm to the opponent in short, destruction of the enemy is not the ultimate goal of fighting a battle rather the adage should be to weaken the forces of the opponent as expressed in the quoted lines.During the ancient ages, the armed forces of one soil used to attack another nation in order to establish their supremacy and control in the modern age, such tactics are used by businesses, and companies appoint strategic advisors for envisaging and forecasting the time to come of a business. Nevertheless, the lines of attack that are planned by these people have been delivered by Sun Tzu great back when sophisticated approaches were not prevalent. For instance, Sun Tzu has asserted very significant facts about the ways in which the ruler can bring devastation on the armed forces of nation and surprisingly

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